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Saturday 9 October: The Splendour of the Baroque

Music by J S Bach, G F Handel and Mozart directed by Huw Williams

We are delighted to announce that we will return to performance on Saturday 9th October in the wonderful Dora Stoutzker Hall at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff.

We present an uplifting programme of baroque masterworks including J S Bach’s ‘Jesu Meine Freude’ and ‘Komm Jesu komm’ together with Handel’s elegant Chandos Anthem ‘O praise the Lord. Mozart’s joyful and sprightly setting of the Mass in D (K 194) concludes the concert which features the specialist baroque instrumental group Réjouissance, playing on historic instruments.

Tickets limited so book early

The concert starts at 7.30pm. Tickets are £20 (Students £10) for stalls and circle and £16 (Students £8) for side benches. In addition to standard Covid 19 hygiene measures, the RWCMD is maintaining sensible social distancing restrictions, which means that the audience capacity is limited, so early ticket purchase is advised.

We are so looking forward to seeing you again!

Christmas date for your diary

Another date for your diary is Sunday 12th December when we will sing a Carol Concert in St Martin’s Church, Roath, Cardiff. Further information about this concert will be available in due course.



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